Dr. Hoda Faramawy

PhD in Hematology and Immunology

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professional information:
Dr. Hoda is a clinical pathology consultant in hematology and immunology.
She obtained her bachelor’s degree of medicine and surgery (MB BCh) at Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University in the year 2001 with a grade of Very Good with Honors, then she obtained her Master’s degree in clinical pathology (microbiology, hematology, biochemistry, and immunology) with a grade of Very Good in April 2006 from the Clinical Pathology Department, Al- Azhar University, and her Ph.D. in clinical pathology (immunology and hematology ) from the Clinical Pathology Department, Al-Azhar University in November 2017.

Discover My Courses

Red Cell Disorders

Dr. Hoda Faramawy

Red Cell Disorders

USD 27

Last updated:

Red Cell Disorders
25 lectures 05:22:2 hours

Hematology is a science of studying benign and malignant blood disorders. One of the most important parts of hematology is red cell disorders, which will be discussed in this course in a simple and illustrated...

Certified Professional in Infection Control (CPIC)

USD 261USD 183

Last updated: 2022-09-13 21:56:28

Certified Professional in Infection Control (CPIC)
39 lectures 13:33:54 hours

Infection control has become the most important prevention shield to protect patients and workers inside health facilities, so we offer you a special opportunity with the accredited “Specialized Infection Control” diploma, as it qualifies you...

Certified in Healthcare Quality (CHQ)

USD 261USD 183

Last updated: 2022-09-13 16:15:05

Certified in Healthcare Quality (CHQ)
45 lectures 20:48:19 hours

The application of quality is one of the most important priorities of health facilities because it plays a major role in decreasing the incidence of infectious diseases. Therefore, we offer the “Health Quality Management” diploma,...