The Quality pharmacy


Egyptian Organization for Pharmacy EOP

8 Events 11824 Views 20 Enrolled
USD 54USD 27

This event includes: :

In Arabic & English Specialized In Pharmacy
USD 54USD 27

This event includes: :

In Arabic & English Specialized In Pharmacy


The role of quality assurance is to ensure that pharmacy professionals maintain appropriate skills and knowledge throughout their career.
In the pharmaceutical industry, quality assurance (QA) is essential for ensuring that pharmaceutical products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard.

Pharmaceutical Quality Systems (PQS) consist of eight pillars, which are designed to provide high quality finished pharmaceutical products.

If you want to be a quality pharmacist so you’ve to join us for earn basic and advanced knowledge for this very important pharmacy speciality

start date : 2022-08-14 12:00:00

Accreditation, Arab Pharmacists Union, and Egyptian Organization for Pharmacy EOP

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