Ms. Heba Amr

Homeopath and Psychodramatist

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About Instructor


Ms. Heba is a homeopath & psychodramatist who has specialized in those scientific schools & obtained  postgraduate scientific degrees in them as Diploma of Therapeutic Spiral Model 2016-2018-Therapeutic Spiral International (USA)
Adding to Psychodrama training, Diploma of Homeopathic Medicine - School of Homeopathy (UK) &  Diploma of Homeopathic Medicine- Lotus Institute (USA) 2015-2017.
She is also Training of the Trainer-Challenges of Modern Societies.

Discover My Courses

Introduction to Homeopathy

Ms. Heba Amr

Introduction to Homeopathy


Last updated:

Introduction to Homeopathy
23 lectures 01:23:6 hours

Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can be cured using some helpful natural substances. This course reveals important details in this science & how it can be applied in...