Herbal pharmacy


Egyptian Organization for Pharmacy EOP

8 فعاليات 11828 مشاهدة 20 مشترك
USD 54USD 27

تحتوى هذه الفعالية على: :

عربي - انجليزي متخصصة في صيدلة
USD 54USD 27

تحتوى هذه الفعالية على: :

عربي - انجليزي متخصصة في صيدلة

عن الدورة وأهدافها

An herbal pharmacy is a Science where practitioners have to learn about herbal formulas based on traditional recipes that date back thousands of years.


As a pharmacist, you may be well aware that many of your patients use herbal medicine in varying degrees. In a common scenario, patients approach their pharmacist with an herbal product purchased elsewhere, wondering whether they can take it concurrently with their prescribed medication(s). Other questions may deal with side effects, dosing or cost. Are you prepared to answer them?

If you were not encouraged to study herbal medicine in pharmacy school, and feel your knowledge in this area could improve, this may be a good time to learn more!

تاريخ البداية : 2022-09-26 20:52:33


Meduo.net, Arab Pharmacists Union, and Egyptian Organization for Pharmacy EOP

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