Dr.Mohammed Specialist in cardiovascular medicine and interventional cardiology at As-Salam internationals hospital.
He graduated in 2012 from the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University& obtained his master's degree in cardiovascular medicine in 2019.
He was trained in the field of cardiology at the national and international levels starting in the medical university of Graz, Graz, Austria in 2013 & started the work in the field of cardiology at Dar Al Fouad Hospital in 2014.
He was awarded the best cardiology resident award in Dar Al Fouad Hospital in 2016.
Dr. Mohammed is working at As-Salam international hospital since 2017.
Additionally, he had international publications, the last was at Barcelona, Spain in Congress on Cardiology and
Cardiovascular Diseases, and also he had a talk there.
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An advanced course about the diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism.
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This course is an advanced course for the diagnosis and management of arterial hypertension. It is based on the last update of the European society of cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension that...